Tour of Käthe Kruse Booth at Nuremberg Toy Fair

A new year brings the start of the product cycle as retailers make the trek to Nuremberg and New York to see and handle new items. For Käthe Kruse this always means the introduction of some new items and gives us a glimpse at which existing items will continue to be available throughout 2016. Here, we take a look at the booth during the Nuremberg show – so come inside and enjoy!

An overview of the Kãthe Kruse booth
An overview of the Kãthe Kruse booth at the 2016 Nuremberg Toy Fair

Let’s start with the Bath Baby dolls and the Puppa dolls as they are the most popular play dolls. Both series stay in place with some new names and new packaging in Europe. We’ll have to wait and see when and if the new packaging makes it to the US. The display boxes are open rather than showing the doll behind a cellophane window.

New Bath Baby dolls
New Bath Baby dolls with new open-window packaging
The Puppa doll series
The Puppa doll series, the perfect doll for younger children with arms and legs integrated with a soft body

The Lolle series also continues with some new outfits and clothing combinations. Lolle is the go-to doll for older girls who continue to enjoy doll play and want to move beyond baby play dolls. Lolle opens new play possibilities and is relevant for girls older than 4 or five years.

Lolle doll display
Lolle doll display; but as far as we know, she is not being positioned as a wood-chopper 😉

The soft toys featured in Nuremberg include Tomato the donkey, owls and the forest theme, dragon Kuno, and the garden and transport themes.

Tomato the donkey lives on with some new itemsOn tour is a transport theme

In the garden theme growsAlba owls and the forest theme

The new organic and anti-allergenic items include attractive packaging making them even more desirable gift items than before. The carton includes a wrapping that holds the box together and makes a pleasant identifying tag as well.

New packaging for organic and anti-allergenic items
New packaging for organic and anti-allergenic items

An interesting development is the return of the Waldorf dollhouse poseable dolls. These were removed from the product line a few years ago but are retuning at least to Europe. We’ll just wait to see if they make their way to the US later in 2016.

Waldorf poseable dolls
Waldorf poseable dolls return after a short absence