How to Make a Waldorf Doll

Dolls in the Waldorf style have long been a part of the Käthe Kruse company. The Waldorf faces are neutral to allow a child to imagine any emotion for the doll. They are always handmade from natural materials like cotton and wool and according to the philosophy of Rudolf Steiner. His research and philosophy, early in the twentieth century, provide the framework for Waldorf education.

At the Käthe Kruse factory in Latvia, Waldorf dolls are handcrafted with care before they become part of your family, and your child’s development. Our video shows how we make a Waldorf doll from start to finish (but in less than five minutes instead of several hours!)

All of our Waldorf products are licensed by Bund der Freien Waldorfschulen e.V., the Association of Waldorf Schools in Stuttgart, Germany.