A Peek at Kathe Kruse in Nuremberg

The 71st annual Toy Fair was held in Nuremberg Germany (Spielwarenmesse) from January 29th to February 2nd, 2020. And as usual, Kathe Kruse has space to show product available during the year. The last few years, the booth has been part of Hape, since their purchase in 2013. This year, all of the growing number of Hape brands were under the Toynamics name; a new holding company.

As the number of brands associated with Hape has grown, Kathe Kruse seems to have grown smaller. But they continue to produce the finest dolls and soft toys and they are still manufactured in Europe and not the Far East.  Come take a quick peek inside the booth – welcome to Nuremberg!

Kathe Kruse booth Nuremberg 2020
Entrance to the Kathe Kruse booth at Nuremberg Toy Fair 2020.
Kathe Kruse Waldorf Nuremberg 2020
Selection of soft body Waldorf dolls at the Nuremberg Toy Fair.
Kathe Kruse Nuremberg 2020 collector dolls
Overview of collector dolls from Kathe Kruse at Nuremberg Toy Fair.
Kathe Kruse Cosima and Richard collector dolls Nuremberg 2020
Kathe Kruse Cosima and Richard collector dolls at Nuremberg Toy Fair.